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Word Of The Day

October 05, 2009

Set your affection on things above, not in things on the earth. (Colossians 3:2). If we focus on the things of this earth, we then focus on the things that are not like God. We should focus of Christ a d what He has taught and is currently teaching through the Holy Ghost. God is more than than we can ever imagine. He is bigger than the biggest mountain that we face. Be blessed!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Your "A Time to Honor" Testimonies

Have you ever been to a promise keeper meeting?
The Conference was God Breathed
You know, I was at the conference in Boulder and sat there the entire time wondering what it was all about, as I had attended many events that were only for men. This was different but then I saw God at the end and had a Jewish Rabbi place a star of David on my shirt, at which time I broke down. But God - But God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever!

I went back to have a Rabbi pray for me and his words were anointed. He prayed something at the beginning that only the Holy Spirit could have spoken to him.

The conference was God Breathed.

God Bless You

-Wiley Work
Let us here your experience when you came into God's presence

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