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Word Of The Day

October 05, 2009

Set your affection on things above, not in things on the earth. (Colossians 3:2). If we focus on the things of this earth, we then focus on the things that are not like God. We should focus of Christ a d what He has taught and is currently teaching through the Holy Ghost. God is more than than we can ever imagine. He is bigger than the biggest mountain that we face. Be blessed!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

What Is Marriage 2?

The overall consensus is that marriage is made in heaven, however true that particular statement is we must realize that marriages are maintained in this earthly setting. The newness and excitement of marriage can be eroded by daily routines, growing irritations, competing attractions of jobs and children, and by coping with multiple life problems.

Most couples develop intimate coping mechanisms to overcome these various aspects. Satisfaction of marriage fluctuates during the family life cycle and it is expected and at times needed. The problem occurs when the marital relationship does not have intimacy. Intimacy is defined as: a relationship of closeness, total honesty and trust with several dimensions. It includes social, sexual, intellectual, recreational, emotional, and spiritual intimacy. Many marriages suffer because of the lack of preparation for marriage, marriage is more than going to your local church and saying I do. Marriage is a life long commitment to God and your spouse and must be taken seriously. The lack of understanding and the lack of total honesty often degrades marriages. Once couples are married the false pretenses that some provide to attract their spouses began to fall away and the real person emerges, and some people don't recognize who they are actually married to. I hope these marriage post will help someone to better understand the institution of marriage.

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