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Word Of The Day

October 05, 2009

Set your affection on things above, not in things on the earth. (Colossians 3:2). If we focus on the things of this earth, we then focus on the things that are not like God. We should focus of Christ a d what He has taught and is currently teaching through the Holy Ghost. God is more than than we can ever imagine. He is bigger than the biggest mountain that we face. Be blessed!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Am I too Churchie?

Am i too churchie? many people are posed with the task of trying to defend their "going to church too much, or not going enough." a lot of weight hunh! can a person actually give God too much time? let's talk about this. let's hear some church mess!

1 comment:

  1. Many people feel that if they are seen within the confines of the church walls that their mere presence makes them holy. Going to church and being in the church says nothing about a person if the church is not in their hearts. god calls for man to have a circumsized heart and love each other irregardless of their shortcomings. It is possible to spend to much time at the church building negelcting one's own family and the mission of the body of Christ. The real work of God does not take place at the church, but within the confines of the world that holds unsaved person's souls hostage.
